The Cavu River    Website     maps    24 min    14,9 Km

The Cavu River has its source 1 km northeast of Puntacci (1,221 m), at a height of 950 m, in the forest of Ospedale, in the municipality of Zonza.


The Piscia di Ghjaddu waterfall  Description    41 min    29,7 Km

Contrary to popular belief and what the IGN toponym suggests, Piscia di Gallo does not come from the Corsican Piscia di Ghjaddu ("cock piss"), but Piscia di u Ghjàddicu ("fir tree waterfall"). The waterfall is located in the Ospedale Massif. The Petra Piana stream, main branch of the Oso, flows together with the Palavesani stream, which comes from the Ospedale reservoir, and squeezes through rocks and stones for 300 m before falling 80 m along a rocky wall.



Ospedale Lake    Website     maps    35 min    25,1 Km

The Ospedale dam was built in 1979 with a reservoir of 3 million m3. It was built to support the drinking water supply of Porto-Vecchio, the third largest city in Corsica, as well as the entire surrounding tourist area. The lake itself has become a sightseeing attraction in the middle of the Ospedale forest.


Bonifacio    Website     maps    35 min    30 Km

Bonifacio has left a lasting impression on travellers in the past. Like Charles the Fifth or Napoleon Bonaparte, the writer Antoine Pasquin, called Valery, was also captivated by the place. By describing the town as "capitale pittoresque" (picturesque capital), he sums up in two well-chosen words the powerful impressions and extraordinary memories that the "city of cliffs" will offer you.


The Lavezzi islands    Website     maps    

Prepare yourself for something magnificent: Today I am heading to the archipelago of the Lavezzi Islands for a land-and-sea discovery, a small corner that is said to be heavenly: the island of Lavezzu. I got up early to take advantage of the first departure of the shuttle boats. The island is the largest of the 7 islands (and numerous islets) that compose the Lavezzi archipelago. After half an hour's ride, during which we pass extraordinary cliffs with these houses almost floating above the abyss, the batteries of my camera are already running hot as I reach the island, a protected nature reserve.

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